東京藝術大学 東京藝術大学入試情報サイト SDGs 共創の場 藝大アートプラザ 東京藝大クラウドファンディング 藝大レーベル / GEIDAI LABEL supported by Warner Music Japan グローバル 藝大フレンズ 早期教育 東京藝術大学ジュニア?アカデミ

国際芸術創造研究科/Graduate School of Global Arts

授業?試験/Classes and Exams 

2024年度前期履修科目の成績質問票について/Grades Question Form (for classes taken during the first semester of 2024 only)

If you have any questions about the grades of the subjects for the first semester of 2024,?
please fill out the grades question form and submit it to the Educational Affairs Section by e-mail.
Application period : October 1, 2024 (Tuesday) to October 7, 2024 (Monday)

履修登録/Course Registration

2024年度後期履修登録修正期間について/Course registration correction period (the second semester of 2024)


【大学院】10/18(金)9:00 ~ 10/24(木)17:00


we have established a course registration correction period as follows.

10/18 (Fri) – 10/24 (Thu) 5pm

*You can modify (add/delete) your course registration using the Campus Plan as the same procedure as the regular course registration.





Students must register on CampusPlan as well as submit a Registration form& Research plan during the designated period (refer to the academic calendar).

>Academic calendar

*It is necessary to register for first semester, second semester, and full-year subjects in April.

* During the October registration period, you can only “add, change, or delete subjects for the second semester”.

*Students may not alter, add to or cancel their registration outside the registration period in principle.

学位審査/Degree Examination


Please check the email you have received regarding the procedure (*only for students in the applicable grades).

休学?復学?退学関係/Leave of Absence, Return to the School, Withdrawal

手続きについて/About the procedure



Students who are considering taking a leave of absence, returning to school, or withdrawing from school should first contact us by e-mail.

Contact address: senju.kyomu@ml.geidai.ac.jp(Educational Affairs Section, Senju Campus Administration Center)


各種証明書関係/Various certificates and procedures



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